Friday, May 22, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Addyson and Adryana!!!

Addyson and Adryana,

Words cannot express how Mommy and Daddy feel at this very moment. Exactly at 9:12pm on May 22, 2008 Addyson Michaela was born and 9:15pm on May 22, 2008 Adryana Jeovette. Addyson you came into this world weighing 1lb. 9 oz and now currently weigh 14 pounds. Adryana you came into this world weighing 2 lbs. 12oz. and currently weigh 19 pounds. God is great. This time last year I was scared, worried, but most of all I was in love. I fell in love all over again and it was with the both of you. I remember looking out of my hospital window and smiling like a little girl when she thinks about her first crush. That glow that happiness!!!! Not one moment did I doubt you not coming home to me. Not one moment I questioned God. Instead I would pray with you every minute, read to you the Bible and teach you all I knew. I would sing to you, talk to you, cry to you and I felt like you were the only two people who understood my pain as a mother. But one year has passed and you both are here with me smiling and all.

This morning momma took you to eat some breakfast. Adryana you loved the pancakes (you even broke a plate) and Addyson you love hash browns! Daddy could not make it to breakfast because he had to work but we enjoyed a full day of shopping at the mall with Titi Jocey and Phina. You had your first ice cream cake and you both enjoyed it with full force. I hope you enjoyed your day girls!!!!!

Mommy and Daddy love you very much and when you are much older and read this post just remember whatever actions we make, we make it keeping your best interest at heart! May God Bless You NOW AND ALWAYS ADDYSON AND ADRYANA!!!


Momma J

Friday, May 15, 2009

Thank You!

Dear Lord,

I could never say this enough but, thank you! Thank you for my wonderful family! Thank you for my beautiful healthy girls. Thank you for giving me the honor of being the mother to my two precious miracles. Through the ups and downs during the first two months of their life you never left my side. THANK YOU! For giving the fight, strength, patience and love I needed to make sure my daughters were well taken care of. For those people who stood by my side through it all, thank you.

Here are some pics from Mother's day!!!!!

The Banegas-Abreu Family

The Banegas Family (my parents, sisters and younger brother)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Drama, Drama, Drama

People just love drama! I feel bad for individuals who just stirr up problems in other people's lives. Do they know that at this present moment there are worse things going on in our world? People grieving the loss of a child, children losing their parents, and my list can go on and on and on! So just a reminder, please do not let the little things in life or the little people in life get in the way of your peace and tranquility. Just pray for those negative people who have nothing better to do with themselves and appreciate every moment in your life whether bad or good.

As far as my girls, they are doing well. I have a funny story to tell. Last night Ms. Adryana did not want to go to sleep. It was 12am and Adryana thought it was party time (since she took a long nap when I got home from work). The only thing I can give her to entertain her at midnight was my cell phone. Why did my darling daughter make phone calls to people at that moment?
Until I received a frantic phone call from my mother at 1am telling me "is everything ok?". You could just imagine. NOTE TO SELF: give her a broken cell phone next time because locking your phone apparently doesn't work. LOL



Tuesday, May 12, 2009

R.I.P. Kayleigh Anne Freeman

Life is precious!! Appreciate your children please! In those moments that they keep you up at night, cry endlessly or just ask too many questions-just think there are people who would love to have that like Kayleigh's parents Adam and Aimee.

Kayleigh passed away last night May 11th at 9:44pm. My heart aches for her family. It's like we became family with them through their blog. I appreciate every moment with my daughters. Their tears, laughs and their wanting to go everywhere and anywhere. THOSE MOMENTS I CHERISH!!!! I will never take for granted any moment with my girls. Thank you Lord!

Addyson and Adryana are almost a year old next Friday, May 22nd. We are celebrating their life on May 23rd with a birthday bash! Mother's day was great (will post pics tonight). I could not ask for a better Mother's Day gift then spending it with my girls!!!!

Dear Lord,

Please be with Adam and Aimee at this moment. They need you with them now more than ever. Please grant them the patience, guidance, strength and love they need to get through this hard time. Welcome Kayleigh into your arms Lord!!!! Until one day they will meet again!

R.I.P. Kayleigh!!!! You have touched many lives in 11 months!! You are one of the three reasons I believe in miracles! (my other two are my daughters).

Love, Jacci

Saturday, May 2, 2009

March of Dimes Walk 09

THE WALK WAS AMAZING!!!! The majority of family were there bright and early to walk in honor of my girls. My sister who is 32 weeks pregnant (with swollen feet and all) walked the whole 3 miles. Poor girl! By the time we were half way there she was determined and did not want to stop. Wobbling and all! But for me the walk was very emotional. I reminisced with one of my good college friends Susana about the whole experience I have with my girls. I spoke to her about Kayleigh and other NICU babies who are not as fortunate to have an easy transition out of the NICU. Lately, I've been thinking about Kayleigh and her family. Still no good update on Kayleigh, honestly I'm praying to God for a miracle because I do believe in miracles. As for my darling girls, there are doing well. Adryana and Addy got their first TWO teeth! Adryana is very vocal now a days. She tells you to come to her with her hands and says "come" in Spanish which is "ven". HOW CUTE IS THAT! Addy is learning to sit more on her own and loves her bath time. She fights when we take her out of her tub. TOO FUNNY! Here are some pics from our walk and our girls first time in NYC Subway!

Adryana with my sister Onix in the Subway!!
Addy with her Mickey on the Subway

Onix with Addyson

Grandma Ines (Anderson's Mother) with her friend Maria

Susana and Onix

Addy and her Daddy (Anderson)

Thanks to Everyone who sponsored Team Addyson and Adyana!!!