I know I have not been blogging as I should have. It's been a crazy weekend. The girls are doing well. For some reason they sound a little congested but nothing to be alarmed about. Just using the "Little Noses" for now. So Addy's OT is recommending Speech Therapy to show her how to eat. She is concerned Addy does not take her baby food from a spoon. Mind you, Addy was born at 28 weeks she is 8 months actual and 5 months adjusted. What 5 month old eats from a spoon with no problem. What, does she expect her to walk tomorrow as well. I know I know, I am being dramatic as always. But I am thankful my daughter is where she is at. Yes, Addy is a little on the small side but from what she was born as I would say and speak for everyone when I say she has come a long way. Adryana is not your typical preemie. She eats like the formula is going to end, wants to be in control of everything just basically wants to be her own boss. Each and everyday I am grateful for my girls!!!!!!
On an another note, I have become addicted to this whole blogging experience so forgive me until I become familiar. However, please pray for those babies who are not well at this moment.. I have added a few buttons on the right side of my page. Please pray for them. May the Lord be with them now and always and give the babies and their family the strength to get through each and every moment they face. I have faith one day they will be well!!!!
Until another day
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