Thursday, February 19, 2009

2/19/2009-"Thoughtful Thursday"

Kayleigh's parents started the "Thoughtful Thursday" in honor of Kayleigh. Thought it would be a good idea to participate. So here goes my story....Monday evening Anderson's (my fiancee) cousin had a baby boy. We spent the whole day with my sister (who is expecting as well) getting her registry set up. Well once we got home we were exhausted and heard the news they were going to do an emergency C-section on her because she came down with a bad virus. I began to wonder whether or not if we should rush to the hospital to go see her and how the baby was doing. The story about me wondering is that when my girls were born and during their 67 days at the NICU not one of his family members from his mother's side came to see them. Not one phone call...NOTHING!!! Anderson is the only child and he grew up with his cousins as if they were his sisters. I became very resentful. Even when my girls came home no calls no visits. Well thinking of this upcoming "Thoughtful Thursday" and how to get Kayleigh's story to touch another life I said to myself its not the child's fault. Any baby born is a blessing and I'm going for the child and to show the mother we do care despite the lack of communication between our families. We rushed to get the baby a couple of cute outfits and I actually felt good going. She was very grateful and the first words out her mouth was "I thought you guys would not show up". I felt as if I did my good deed and the baby was beautiful and healthy, thanks to God. While visiting the hospital we passed the NICU room and saw a baby in an incubator and brought back memories of my girls. I thank the Lord for each and every moment with my girls.
Thanks Kayleigh. You are touching people's lives without you fully understanding how great you are to people.



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