Thursday, February 19, 2009

2/19/2009-"Thoughtful Thursday"

Kayleigh's parents started the "Thoughtful Thursday" in honor of Kayleigh. Thought it would be a good idea to participate. So here goes my story....Monday evening Anderson's (my fiancee) cousin had a baby boy. We spent the whole day with my sister (who is expecting as well) getting her registry set up. Well once we got home we were exhausted and heard the news they were going to do an emergency C-section on her because she came down with a bad virus. I began to wonder whether or not if we should rush to the hospital to go see her and how the baby was doing. The story about me wondering is that when my girls were born and during their 67 days at the NICU not one of his family members from his mother's side came to see them. Not one phone call...NOTHING!!! Anderson is the only child and he grew up with his cousins as if they were his sisters. I became very resentful. Even when my girls came home no calls no visits. Well thinking of this upcoming "Thoughtful Thursday" and how to get Kayleigh's story to touch another life I said to myself its not the child's fault. Any baby born is a blessing and I'm going for the child and to show the mother we do care despite the lack of communication between our families. We rushed to get the baby a couple of cute outfits and I actually felt good going. She was very grateful and the first words out her mouth was "I thought you guys would not show up". I felt as if I did my good deed and the baby was beautiful and healthy, thanks to God. While visiting the hospital we passed the NICU room and saw a baby in an incubator and brought back memories of my girls. I thank the Lord for each and every moment with my girls.
Thanks Kayleigh. You are touching people's lives without you fully understanding how great you are to people.



Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wed. Feb 18th, 2008-I know I know

I know I have not been blogging as I should have. It's been a crazy weekend. The girls are doing well. For some reason they sound a little congested but nothing to be alarmed about. Just using the "Little Noses" for now. So Addy's OT is recommending Speech Therapy to show her how to eat. She is concerned Addy does not take her baby food from a spoon. Mind you, Addy was born at 28 weeks she is 8 months actual and 5 months adjusted. What 5 month old eats from a spoon with no problem. What, does she expect her to walk tomorrow as well. I know I know, I am being dramatic as always. But I am thankful my daughter is where she is at. Yes, Addy is a little on the small side but from what she was born as I would say and speak for everyone when I say she has come a long way. Adryana is not your typical preemie. She eats like the formula is going to end, wants to be in control of everything just basically wants to be her own boss. Each and everyday I am grateful for my girls!!!!!!

On an another note, I have become addicted to this whole blogging experience so forgive me until I become familiar. However, please pray for those babies who are not well at this moment.. I have added a few buttons on the right side of my page. Please pray for them. May the Lord be with them now and always and give the babies and their family the strength to get through each and every moment they face. I have faith one day they will be well!!!!

Until another day


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wed, February 11, 2009-March for Dimes

I'm very to announce that I started a team by the name of "Team Addyson and Adryana" to walk at the March of Dimes on Sunday, April 26th at 8am. I decided to this like a way of giving back on how blessed I am to have my beautiful girls. I am also walking for those other preemies who are fighting for their lives. Imagine that us as adults struggle with so much, can you imagine a preemie with no life experiences fighting for their own life the day they are born??? Tough right??? It's def. no walk in the park. So why don't you join me!!! Walk with me!!! Let's get together and support those babies who need us to fight for them as well. Never in my life I thought I would have a preemie. Never in my life I thought I would have twins. But never in my life would I regret going through what I went through for my girls. My girls went through a lot and fought for my family and I. They fought to share each moment with us. Therefore, Addy and Nana thank you!! Thank you for fighting for Mami, Papi, Abuelos Banegas, Abuelos Abreu, Titi/Nina Onix, Tio Joey, Nicky, Gabe, Rocky, Tanina Angi, Tio Louie, Chris, Timo, Baby Shrimp, Tio Jay, Nina/Titi Jocey....the list can go on an on........But thank you girls!! You've truly blessed our lives!!!!

LETS WALK!!! In honor of Addyson and Adryana! and those premature babies who need our prayers and help!!!


Thursday, February 5, 2009


Forgot to mention Addy is getting Occupational Therapy (OT) now. The Occupational Therapist's name is Anne and she is great. Fatima (my babysitter) only speaks Spanish and Anne (Caucasian) speaks better Spanish than me and I'm of Honduran decent. GO FIGURE!! Anne says Addy is amazing. The only thing she is small in size but she sees no developmental delays in Addy which is music to my ears. Addy is also getting Physical Therapy (PT) which has shown much improvement in Addyson. Adryana is sitting almost on her own and I'm amazed on each action they make. Tomorrow is a big day. They will be getting their ears pierced!!! I'm soo nervous that I have asked my mother to go along with Anderson and I because I cannot be in the room while that happens. So wish us luck.


P.S. My older sister Angi is having a BOY!!!! She is currently 20 weeks!!! I'm soo happy!!!

God Bless!

I'm currently at work right now but thought I should drop a quick note. I follow a blog of a fellow preemie by the name of Kayleigh ( and is was heartwrenching to hear how people are sooo mean. This little girl is truly a fighter and reminds me sooo much of my girls. Well the story is someone mean individual wrote a comment on their blog basically telling them all these mean things. Who do people think they are??!!! People just do not simply understand that parents who have their babies in the NICU are going through a tough time. Each moment is precious with your child at the NICU. Each minute better yet each second is valuable. I wished I would of started a blog on how the NICU journey was but like I said I just wanted to sit next my daughters' incubator thanking God for each breath they took. I always had faith in God but somewhat lost touch right before I became pregnant. But if this was God's way of bringing me back to reality by having my girls' early so what!!! I thank him for it because I appreciate things more!!! Every smile Addy and Nana give me melts my heart away. Every sound, every movement brings joy to my life. I never questioned God's motive. Never said "why me" despite everything my girls' went through. Thanks to God, Anderson, my parents, sisters, brothers, nephews, friends and prayers from strangers is why my daughters are here alive today. So for those people who want to criticize people like Kayleigh's parents BACK OFF!! They do not need negativity. I am saying this as a fellow NICU parent. God Bless each moment given!!!


Mommy Abreu

Sunday, February 1, 2009


If you do not know me than you will not know what I had to go through to have my girls here. Many preemie parents will understand the difficulty of having a preemie child. I'm a 24 year old college graduate with a strong family foundation and a girl that has everything going for her. I met Anderson (my fiancee) my freshman year at NYU. I have four beautiful nephews that ultimately were like my sons. Therefore, I really saw no rush in having children anytime soon. Anderson and I moved out and we enjoyed our time going here, there and everywhere. We were at a point in October 2007 that we were arguing about everything, then boom I came out pregnant. Was it surprise? IT DEF. WAS!!! Was I ready? DEF. NOT! But in my heart I said to myself if God is giving me this child because He thinks I am ready. I was scared of the fact that I how I would support my child. I do not have any school loans (thanks to my mom who earned tuition remission being a former employee at NYU) but was in deep credit card debt. And then another SURPRISE! I WAS TOLD I WAS HAVING TWINS!!!!! I went from everything to throwing up all day and night throughout my whole pregnancy, in and out of the hospital, being placed on bed rest, Pre-Eclampsia, and finally my daughters being born at 28 weeks 4 days. As I write this I am amazed how I held everything together. But thanks to my family and Anderson we made it through. Now Addy and Nana (Adryana) are home and healthy as can be. Sometimes I forget to give thanks but Lord knows I am thankful. There are many people out there who wished their babies were home with them and those are the people I pray for everynight.

For those reasons, I want to spend every minute with my girls and if I go out its with family for a few hours and at that I feel awful leaving my girls behind. Anderson tells me I need to have my own time. But my girls are my own time. Every second I spend with my girls is a blessing. Every smile, every touch, every cry is a blessing to my life. I am very grateful!! Writing this brings tears of joy to my eyes because I am blessed to be a Mother to Addyson and Adryana!!

To My Girls:

I am starting this blog for you! For you both to see what Mommy felt. As a mom, I want to provide you with the best of everything. Addy and Nana I love you and am thankful for every moment with you. Even those dirty diaper changes that me and Papi toss coins to see who will be changing it next. I love you very much!! Que Dios te bendiga hoy y siempre mis hijas!!